Ignite Her Soul | Christian Entrepreneurs, Mindset Mastery, Online Business, Financial Success, Neuroscience, Increasing Income, Rewiring Your Brain, Prosperity, Living Faith, Betsy Croney
Do you have a big dream, a desire that you’re certain God has placed in your heart? Do You see others who are crushing it in their business and their life, yet nothing seems to be working out for you? Do you have a deep desire for God to use your life and your business to impact the kingdom for his glory, yet you can’t seem to figure out why you keep doing the things you don’t want to do and you don’t do the things you really do want to do? Do You feel like God is nudging you to make a difference with your life...Yet you sit and stew in doubt, fear and unbelief, afraid to take that first step? Do you ever feel like if you just take one more course, read one more book or attend one more seminar...then you will be ready?! If you answered Yes to any of those questions, then my beautiful friend you are in the right place! I’m Betsy, daughter of The King, wife, Ma, Bibi, and Certified Neuroscience Life Coach. I get where you are - I was TOTALLY there - FOR YEARS actually! The inner conflict literally tore me apart, and totally wrecked my health. I knew I needed help, but I had no idea where to start. Then God showed me the way, healed my heart and restored my soul. And now my mission in life is helping Kingdom women uncover the blocks that are keeping them from their calling, create wild success in their business and every area of their life, so they can truly impact the world for God’s glory, utilizing a whole lot of tough love, Biblical strategies and brain science so you can totally squash doubt, fear, procrastination and overwhelm, and rewire your brain to work for you instead of against you. It’s time to Ignite Your Soul my friend, because the world need you NOW more than ever to become Her, so you can do what’s God’s calling you to do. So grab your journal because you’re going to want to take notes...Let’s Do This!! I’d love to connect with you! IG: https://www.instagram.com/betsycroney/ Email: Ignitehersoul@gmail.com
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
How many promises have you made to yourself that youhave broken over the years?
1, 5, 50...hundreds maybe? Too many to count?
In this Episode I am unpacking the danger of breakingyour word to yourself...
The pattern it causes in your brain...
And how it can actually hinder your success in EVERYarea of your life!!
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your identity, your money story,identify your limiting beliefs around money, and rewire new neuralnetworks for success and abundance!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information.
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
After lamenting with the Lord regarding the epidemic ofdiscouragement I see in the marketplace right now...
There is an epidemic of discouragement in the marketplace today...
And it breaks my heart, because I too have been there and understandfirst hand what it feels like.
So I sat with the Lord and He prompted me to do an Episode toencourage you that you are not alone, and to teach you what youcan do about it.
So in this Episode I'm breaking out the big guns from previousEpisodes to help you navigate through tough times.
As you listen to these words of encouragement, remember thatyou are not alone in your journey.
The struggles you face are stepping stones toward growth andresilience.
So Embrace the challenges, find strength in adversity, and knowthat you have the power to overcome anything life throws your waythrough the GREATER ONE who lives in you!!
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your identity, your money story,identify your limiting beliefs around money, and rewire new neuralnetworks for success and abundance!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information.
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Are you a visionary?
Are you sitting on A God-sized dream because it's so BIG you have NO IDEA where to start?
Remember..."the journey of a thousand miles beginswith one step."
And in this Episode I'm breaking down those steps.
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your identity, your money story, identify your limiting beliefs around money, and rewire new neuralnetworks for success and abundance!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information.
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Do you ever find yourself sitting in doubt, fear ordiscouragement, focusing on all the things thatAREN'T working?
Do you ever tell yourself things like What was I thinking?I’ll never sign clients, My prices are too high, Nobody wants what I have, No one will ever join my team
OR the big ones...
This isn’t working… This is too hard… Why is it so much easier for everyone else than it is for me?
If you have ever found yourself struggling with any of these...
Then this Episode is definitely for you friend!!
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your identity, your money story, identify your limiting beliefs around money, and rewire new neuralnetworks for success and abundance!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information.
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Do you have a desire to lose weight or get healthy only tosabotage a few days in?
Do you have a desire to create a wildly successful onlinebusiness but find yourself scrolling social media or bingingon Netflix?
Congratulations...you have competing desires!!
And the Bible says in James 1:7-8 that a double minded man receives nothing!
In this Episode I am discussing how detrimental competing desires are to your success in any endeavor and giving youan action step to overcome them.
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your money story, identify your limiting beliefsaround money, and rewire new neural networks for success and abundance!!YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Are you feeling frustrated with the results in your business?
Well if all things are possible for those who believe...
And you continue to see lack and scarcity in yourbusiness...
You have to ask yourself...
What do I REALLY believe??
Join me as I unpack a Word I received from theLord over a decade ago that is a Word thatcan transform your business if you implement it!!
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your money story, identify your limiting beliefsaround money, and rewire new neural networks for success and abundance!!YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
How do you react when storms come into your life?
Do you choose anxious apprehension or joyful anticipationof God's promise to work all things for your good? (Romans 8:28)
Join me today as I have some encouragement from Matthew 8:24-26.
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your money story, identify your limiting beliefsaround money, and rewire new neural networks for success and abundance!!YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Blessings...Betsy =)
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
If you find yourself learning something new and neverimplementing it...
If you find yourself regularly sitting in doubt, fear, procrastinationand self-sabotage...
If you continue to berate yourself for investing in your businessand not taking action...
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your identity and your money story, identify your limiting beliefsaround money, and rewire new neural networks for success and abundance!!YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Email me at Wiredforkingdomwealth@gmail.com with "MMM" in the Subjectand I'll send you the information. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Need prayer or support?? Find me on IG @betsycroney
Blessings...Betsy =)
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Hearing this truly made my heart sing!!
Inside this Episode, you'll hear an interview I did withbusiness coach and Money Mindset Client Camie Wilke and her resultswere OFF THE CHAIN!!
Press play to listen as Camie discusses her personal experiencewith Money Mindset Mastery and the impact it had on rewiringher brain to work for her instead of against her!
After listening to this interview you're definitely gonna want toconnect with Camie!!
Here's How:
Listen to the Bibles, Babies, & Business Podcast Here:Grab her free training "Get More Clients Code" Here:
Follow Camie on Instagram:
PS...If you would like to see results like Camie had thenMONEY MINDSET MASTERY IS FOR YOU!!
Fill out this inquiry form or find me on IG @betsycroney and I'll get you more information.
Blessings...Betsy =)
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
I am coming to you today from my heart after spending a lot of time lately lamenting with the Lord.
I talk to so many women who believe they aren't worthy of good in their life, and it breaks my heart.
I know what it feels like to not feel worthy...
I know what it feels like to live life through the lens of rejection and abandonment...And it was a very very sad and isolated place for me to be.
So this Episode is a little different...
Join me as I walk you through the book of Jeremiah and help you to understandthat you truly are worthy of all God has for you.
So grab your Bible, your journal and your beverage of choice andLET'S DO THIS!!
PS...If you are tired of being in bondage to your past and the disempoweringstory that is controlling your life...I'm offering a TOTALLY FREE NO STRINGSATTACHED 15 minute call where I will show you what's blocking youand how you can be SET FREE from that bondage.
If you're telling yourself that you're not worthy of freedom, then you friendNEED this call!!
Email me at ignitehersoul@gmail.com with FREE CALL in the subject line andI'll send you a link to my calendar to get you scheduled!I PROMISE YOU YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!
PPS...Still have a few spots available for MONEY MINDSET MASTERY!!We do a DEEP dive into your money story, identify your limiting beliefsaround money, and rewire new neural networks for success and abundance!!YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!
Fill out this inquiry form or find me on IG @betsycroney and I'll get you more information.
Blessings...Betsy =)